Welcome, I’m Ashley

A Holy Fire III Reiki Master Healer, Multi-dimensional Ceremonialist and channel of Sophia-Christ consciousness for Divine Feminine Awakening.

I guide women to step into their Divine Mission & Sovereign Leadership through coming into alignment with their Authentic Self, Innate Power, Priestess Lineage and Soul-Gifts.

Welcome, to this sacred space.

Free Facebook Group

This group is a collective of women committed to re-awakening the Divine Feminine within and reclaiming their Sovereignty through re-integrating their Priestess Lineage, Innate Power & Soul-gifts. I hold special live classes, masterclasses and healings in this sacred space.

Guidance & Healing Programs

Have Questions? Empowerment Call to support Your Highest Alignment

Schedule a free 30-minute connection call to begin your journey. This call is helpful if you are unsure of what services will support you best. I am honored to get to know you and serve you on your journey in reclaiming your Divine Gifts, Innate Intuition and Sovereign Power.

Private Healing Session

Through Ceremony, Prayer, Holy Fire III Reiki, Intuitive Readings, Chakra Alignment and Crystal Healing you will awaken to a reservoir of deep reverence for your purpose, your gifts and your soul’s journey. Every session reignites your innate power and sovereignty.

Heal yourself with herbal remedies

Personal Blog

“Through the development of spiritual daily routines based on the essentials of daily life and building intuitive strength and inner wisdom, she helps each of us become our best selves”